Conférences données par Patrick Maurel dans des congrès nationaux et internationaux entre 1980 et 2016
80-1. P Maurel. Studies of the reactivity of the oxyferro intermediate of highly purified microsomal P-450. International Conference in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Regulation of cytochrome P-450, Sältsjöbaden, Sweden. June 1980.
81-1. P Maurel. Mécanisme de détoxification, les cytochromes P450 hépatiques. 16e Forum de Recherche de Gastroentérologie, 5e journées francophones d’hépatogastroentérologie. Univeristé Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. 18-21 Mars 1981.
81-2. P Maurel. Etude du transfert d’électron entre le cytochrome b5 réduit et le complexe oxygéné du cytochrome P450 microsomal. Réunion RCP Activation de l’oxygène et transferts d’électrons par les metalloenzymes et leurs complexes modèles. Orsay, France. 26-27 juillet 1981.
85-1. P Maurel. Activités enzymatiques et dosage immunologique d’une forme de cytochrome P450 dans des biopsies hépatiques à l’aiguille. Symposium International Hépatotoxicité Médicamenteuse (INSERM-CNRS-Université). Rouen, Mai 1985.
86-1. P Maurel. Induction, immunoquantification et synthèse relative de 5 formes de cytochrome P-450 microsomal dans des cultures primaires d’hépatocytes de lapin. Semaine Francophone de Pathologie Digestive, (GERCHIC). Nice-Acropolis, France. Mars 1986.
87-1. P Maurel. Regulation of cytochrome P-450 3c. Colloque International Cellule Hépatique et Médicament. Rennes, France. Juillet 1987.
88-1. P Maurel. Métabolisme hépatique de la cyclosporine A. Interactions médicamenteuses. Réunion de Néphrologie: la cyclosporine en transplantation d’organes. Montpellier, Mars1988.
88-2. P Maurel. Régulation des cytochromes P450 dans les hépatocytes en culture. Journées INRA: Cultures et Fractions Cellulaires. Ecole Vétérinaire de Toulouse, France. Avril 1988.
88-3. P Maurel. Peut-on prévoir la toxicité hépatique d’un médicament ? Journée d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie. Montpellier, France. Juin 1988.
89-1. P Maurel. Identification de la forme de cytochrome P450 impliquée dans le métabolisme d’un médicament : outils et méthodes, limites, intérêt et retombées. Atelier de Formation INSERM: Nouvelles approches en Pharmacologie: Modèles in vitro, Necker-Enfants Malades. Paris, France. Novembre 1989.
90-1. P Maurel. Human CYPIA and IIIA subfamilies: Regulation of expression and inducibility in primary cultures of human hepatocytes. VIIIth International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweeden. June 1990.
91-1. Estabrook, RW, Case D, Parke D, Maurel P, Parkinson A, and Caldwell J. The CYP1A1 debate (Débat en séance pleinière). Third International ISSX Meeting. Drug Metabolism: molecules models and man. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. June 1991.
92-1. P Maurel. Regulation of CYP1A, CYP2A and CYP3A in primary cultures of human hepatocytes. 13th European Workshop on Drug Metabolism. Bergamo, Italy. September 1992.
92-2. P Maurel. Conséquences d’une induction enzymatique sur le développement d’un médicament. Réunion organisée par l’Association des Anciens Elèves et Organisateurs du CES d’Histologie, Hématologie et Anatomie Pathologique des Animaux de Laboratoire. Centre de Recherche Sterling Winthrop. Dijon-Longvic France. Octobre, 1992.
93-1. P Maurel. Induction of cytochromes P450 in primary cultures of human hepatocytes. 152th British Pharmacological Society Meeting. Aberdeen, Scotland UK. April 1993.
93-2. P Maurel. Primary culture of human hepatocyte as an in vitro model of drug metabolism in man. Joint Meeting of Intensive Care Society and British Association of Critical Care Nurses. Reading, England UK. April 1993.
93-3. P Maurel. Primary cultures of human hepatocytes in the evaluation of the toxicological consequences of cytochromes P450 induction and/or inhibition. Symposium on Biochemical Toxicology. FEBS Meeting. Stockholm, Sweden. July 1993.
93-4. P Maurel. Regulation of drug metabolizing enzymes. Stowe School Conference. Manor of the Duke of Buckingham, Buckingham, England UK. July 1993.
93-6. P Maurel. Expression of cytochrome P450 enzymes. Fifth Conference of the German Society for Pharmacology and Toxicology (DGPT). Hannover, Germany. December 1993.
94-1. P Maurel. The use of primary cultures of adult human hepatocytes in drug development. Food and Drug Admistration (FDA), Bethesda MD., USA. January 1994.
94-2. P Maurel. Quelles interactions médicamenteuses doit-on craindre avec les corticoïdes? 6eme Journée de Pharmacologie Clinique Pédiatrique. Hopital Bichat, Paris, Mars 1994.
94-3. P Maurel. Drug metabolism in primary cultures of adult human hepatocytes. Congress on Cell and Tissue Culture. 1994 Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association. Research Triangle Park, NC., USA, June 1994.
94-4. P Maurel. Keynote lecture: Induction of drug metabolizing enzymes. 14th European Workshop on Drug Metabolism. Paris, France. July 3-8 1994.
94-5. P Maurel. Inhibition and repression of CYP3A4 in primary cultures of human hepatocytes. Comparative analysis with clinical observations. 10th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations. Toronto, Canada. July 1994.
94-6. P Maurel. Quality assessment, interindividual variability and CYP induction in human in vitro systems. International Workshop on Human In Vitro Liver Preparations for Metabolism Studies in Drug Development. Utrecht, The Netherlands. September 1994.
94-7. P Maurel. Xenobiotic metabolism in human hepatocytes. Hepatocyte User Group Meeting. Lunteren, The Netherlands. September 1994.
94-8. P Maurel. Induction enzymatique: mécanismes et implications. Journées Scientifiques Bioavenir 94. Rhône-Poulenc Rorer. Marne la Vallée, France. Novembre 1994.
95-1. P Maurel. Biologie moléculaire des cytochromes P450 (Induction enzymatique). Association Française pour l’Etude du Foie. Séminaire Foie et Médicaments. Saintes Maries de la Mer, France. Janvier 1995.
95-2. P Maurel. Hépatocytes humains et prévision des interactions médicamenteuses. 5eme Colloque de la Société de Pharmaco-Toxicologie Cellulaire (SPTC). Cellules et Tissus Humains. Avantages et Limites. Problèmes Ethiques. Paris, France. Mars 1995.
95-3. P Maurel. Predictability of drug metabolism from in vitro studies. European Conference on Specificity and Variability in Drug Metabolism. European Concerted Action COST B1. Besançon, France. May 1995.
95-4. P Maurel. Human hepatocytes as a tool to predict human drug metabolism. International Symposium on Strategy of Drug Metabolism Study for New Drug Development. Tokyo-Meijikinenkan, Japan. June 14th 1995.
95-5. P Maurel. Genetic variability in inducibility and expression of the CYP3A subfamily in man. 9th International Conference on cytochrome P450. Zurich, Switzerland. 23-27 July 1995.
95-6. P Maurel. Use of Human Hepatocytes to Characterize the Metabolism of Drugs. 4th International ISSX Meeting. Seattle, WA., USA. 27-31 August 1995.
95-7. P Maurel. Intérêt des cultures primaires d’hépatocytes humains dans l’étude de la régénération hépatique chez l’homme. Association Française pour l’Etude du Foie. Paris, France. Octobre 1995.
96-1. P Maurel. Regeneration hepatica. Seminario de Investigation Experimental en Aparato Digestivo. Cordoba, Espana. 14 Marzo 1996.
96-2. P Maurel. Méthodes d’étude de la régulation de l’expression et de la fonction des gènes CYP dans l’hépatocyte humain en culture. Atelier N°79 de L’INSERM. Le Vésinet, France. 21-22 Mars 1996.
96-3. P Maurel. Chairman of Session on Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor. XIth International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations. Los Angeles CA., USA. July 21-24 1996.
96-4. P Maurel. The use of adult human hepatocytes in primary culture and other in vitro systems to investigate drug metabolism in man. Third European Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Edinburgh, Scotland UK. 14 September 1996.
96-5. P Maurel. Cytokines and CYP Genes. International Congress on Hepatocytes. Applications in Cell Biology Toxicology and Medicine. Tübingen, Germany. 25-28 Septembre 1996.
96-6. P Maurel. The use of in vitro systems for predicting drug metabolism and side effects in humans. 7th North American ISSX Meeting. San Diego, CA., USA. 20-24 October 1996.
96-7. P Maurel. Cytochromes P450 induction in human hepatocytes. First Symposium of the Hepatocyte Users Group of North America. San Diego CA., USA. 23 October 1996.
96-8. P Maurel. Chairman of Session on Cytochromes P450 induction and Drug-Drug Interactions. First Symposium of the Hepatocyte Users Group of North America. San Diego CA., USA. 23 October 1996.
97-1. P Maurel. Regulation of human cytochrome P450s. 6th European ISSX Meeting. Gothenburg, Sweden. 30 June-3 July 1997.
97-2. P Maurel. The use of human in vitro systems to predict induction and inhibition-related interactions. IBC UK Conferences Ltd. Drug-drug interaction. The Royal College of Pathologists. London, England UK. 14-15 July 1997.
97-3. P Maurel. Drug metabolism by the gut wall. 2nd Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacolgy and Therapeutics. Berlin, Germany. 17-20 September 1997.
97-4. P Maurel. Prediction of human in vivo enzyme induction potential. 2nd International Symposium on Drug-Drug Interactions. Baltimore, MD., USA. 19-21 November 1997.
97-5. P Maurel. Modèle in vitro humain pour étudier le métabolisme d’un médicament et ses effets secondaires. Cours Universitaire sur le Métabolisme et mécanisme d’action des médicaments. Pharmacologie Clinique. Nancy, France. 23 Octobre 1997.
98-1. P Maurel. Regulation of drug metabolizing enzymes. Meeting of the European Society of Biochemical Pharmacology. Otzenhausen, Germany. 22-25 March 1998.
98-2. P Maurel. Present and future in vitro models for assessing induction of drug metabolizing enzymes in man. Meeting COST B1: European Symposium on Prediction of Drug Metabolism in Man. Liege, Belgium. 19-20 May 1998.
98-3. P Maurel. Réplication du VHC dans les cultures primaires d’hépatocytes humains. Colloque Fondateur du Réseau Hépatite C. Annecy, France. 4-5 Mai 1998.
98-4. P Maurel. Chairman os Session on Gene susceptibility in occupational toxicology. International Congress of Toxicology ICT VIII. Paris, France. 5-9 July 1998.
98-5. P Maurel. Primary cultures of human hepatocytes. Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. 21-25 Septembre 1998.
98-6. P Maurel. Present and future in vitro models for assessing induction of drug metabolizing enzymes in man. Meeting organized by Daiichi Pure Chemicals Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. 10 November 1998.
98-7. P Maurel. Primary cultures of human hepatocytes: new developments and new applications. 13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX). Sendai, Japan, 11-13 November 1998.
98-8. P Maurel. Cytochromes P450 3A, régulation, rôle dans les interactions médicamenteuses. Cours de DEA (Métabolisme et mécanisme d’action des médicaments. Pharmacologie Clinique. Nancy, France. 1998.
99-1. P Maurel. Hepatocytes humains en culture primaire: nouveaux développements, nouvelles applications. Sanofi-Recherche. Montpellier, France. 14 Janvier 1999.
99-2. P Maurel. Culture primaire d’hépatocytes humains de long terme: application à l’étude de l’infection par le VHC. Service de Gastroenterologie (Prof. JP Pascal), CHU Purpan. Toulouse, France. 21 Janvier 1999.
99-3. P Maurel. Primary cultures of human hepatocytes: new developments and new applications. 7th European ISSX Meeting. Budapest, Hungary. 22-26 August 1999.
99-4. P Maurel. The problem of drug-metabolizing enzyme induction. International Conference on Drug Interactions. Hamamatsu, Japan. 21-23 Octobre 1999.
99-5. P Maurel. Gene regulation in the human CYP3A and CYP2C families. 9th North American ISSX Meeting. Nashville TN., USA. 24-28 Octobre 1999.
99-6. P Maurel. Induction of CYP3As and CYP2Cs genes in human hepatocytes in primary culture. 2nd Molecular Workshop 99’Molecular Toxicology. Paris, France. 5-8 Septembre 1999.
99-7. P Maurel. Induction of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9, implication of hGR and hPXR. International Symposium on Induction of drug metabolism, Stockholm, Sweden. 9-10 December 1999.
00-1. P Maurel. Cross-talk between glucocorticoid receptor and pregnane X receptor and the regulation of CYP3A4, CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 in primary human hepatocytes. 4th International Conference on drug interactions, Baltimore MD., USA. 19-22 Juin 2000.
00-2. P Maurel. Studying modulation of drug metabolism using primary human hepatocytes. Drug Metabolism Workshop and European ISSX joint Meeting. St Andrews, Scotland, UK. 11-16 Juin 2000.
00-3. P Maurel. Primary cultures of human hepatocytes: regulation of CYP genes and prediction of drug metabolism and side effects. International Workshop: From sequence to function: experimental and bioinformatics studies of Cytochrome P450 superfamily. Moscou, Russia. 6-10 Juillet 2000.
00-4. P Maurel. Whole cell systems supporting drug discovery. 13th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations. Stresa, Italy. 10-14 Juillet 2000.
00-5. P Maurel. In vivo effects of corticosteroids. VII World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Florence, Italy. 15-20 Juillet 2000.
00-6. P Maurel. Regulation of CYP3A4, CYP2Cs and PXR in cultured human hepatocytes. 10th North American ISSX Meeting. Indianapolis, IN., USA. 24-28 Octobre 2000.
00-7. P Maurel. Mechanisms of enzyme induction. 7th European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS): Conference on Optimising Drug Development. Basel, Switzerland. 13-15 Novembre.
01-1. P Maurel The GR-PXR/CAR-CYP cascade: how do physiopathological stimuli influence the liver capacity of detoxication. Colloque en Hommage à Pierre Douzou. Paris, France. 10-11 Mai 2001.
01-2. P Maurel The GR-PXR/CAR-CYP cascade: how do physiopathological stimuli influence the liver capacity of detoxication ? In vitro models and toxicity mechanisms. Verona, Italy. May 30-June 1st, 2001.
01-3. P Maurel. Modulation of human CYPs and nuclear receptor expression in human hepatocytes in primary cultures. 12th International Conference on Cytochrome P450. La Grande Motte, France. Sept 11-15, 2001.
01-4. P Maurel. Modulation of human CYPs and nuclear receptor expression in human hepatocytes in primary cultures. Hepatocyte User Group Meeting. London, England, UK. 5-6 Oct 2001.
01-5. P Maurel The GR-PXR/CAR-CYP cascade: how do physiopathological stimuli influence the liver capacity of detoxication ? Boehringer Ingelheim Laboratories, Montreal, Canada. Nov 7th 2001.
01-6. P Maurel. The GR-PXR/CAR-CYP cascade: how do physiopathological stimuli influence the liver capacity of detoxication ? Université de Montreal, Montreal Canada, Nov 7th 2001.
02-1. P. Maurel. Cultures primaires d’hépatocytes humains et récepteurs du VHC. Réunion GEMHEP. Paris, France. 17 Janvier 2002.
02-2. P Maurel. Induction of CYP3A4, CYP2C8/9 and CYP2B6 in human hepatocytes: how does it fit with modulation of CAR, PXR and RXR expression ? XIVth World Congress of Pharmacology. The new Century Pharmacology. San Francisco, CA., USA. July 7-12th 2002.
02-3. P Maurel. Regulation of CYP genes by nuclear orphan receptors. 14th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations. Sapporo, Japon. July 22-26 2002.
02-4. P Maurel. The use of primary cultures of highly differentiated human hepatocytes for investigating various aspects of liver physiopathology including the detoxication function and hepatitis C virus infection. Czech Republic Academy of Sciences. Prague, Czech Republic. 9th April 2002.
02-5. P Maurel. In vitro infection of human hepatocytes by hepatitis C virus. Instituto di Reserche di Biologia Moleculare-Merck, Pomezia (Roma), Italia. March 4th 2002.
02-6. P Maurel. Induction of CYP3A4, CYP2C8/9 and CYP2B6 in human hepatocytes : the role of GR and VDR in addition to PXR and CAR. 18th European Workshop on Drug Metabolism. Valencia, Espagne. 16-20 Sept 2002.
02-7. P Maurel. Cultures primaires d’hépatocytes humains. 15eme Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier : “Nouveaux traitements des hépatites virales : de la recherche à la clinique”. Lyon, France. 6-7 Décembre 2002.
02-8. P Maurel. "Les hépatocytes humains normaux en culture primaire: un outil pour l'étude de la réplication du VHC". Réunion Thématique du Département de Virologie. Institut Pasteur Paris, France. 18 décembre 2002.
03-1. P Maurel. Primary Human Hepatocytes. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) Single Topic Conference : Hepatitis C ¬ New Drugs And Clinic Trials Development : Promises And Pitfalls. Chicago Ill., USA, Feb 27-March 1, 2003.
03-2. P Maurel. Chairman of Plenary Session : Regulation of Gene Expression of DME. 8th European ISSX Meeting. Dijon, France. April 27-May 1, 2003.
03-4. P Maurel. Introduction : Overview on CYP gene regulation within a tangle of regulatory networks. 13th International Conference on Cytochrome P450 “Biochemistry, Biophysiscs and Drug metabolism”. Prague, Czech Republic. June 26-July 3, 2003.
03-6. P Maurel. Human hepatocyte cultures and their use in detoxication and hepatitis C viral infection studies. Detoxication, molcular mechanisms and hepatic physiology. Lisbon Portugal, July 14th 2003.
03-8. P Maurel. Regulation of PXR and CAR gene expression in primary human hepatocyte. Camerino-Noordwijkerhout Symposium. Camerino, Italy. September 7-11, 2003.
04-1. P Maurel. Transcriptional control of CYP2B, 2C and 3A expression: importance of the GR-CAR/PXR-CYP cascade. 2nd Pharmacological Sciences World Congress. Kyoto, Japan. May 29-June 3 2004.
04-2. P Maurel. Cross-talk between xenobiotic detoxication and other signalling pathways: clinical and toxicological consequences. 15th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations. Mainz, Germany. July 4-9 2004.
04-3. P Maurel. Regulation of cytochrome P450 by steroid hormone receptors. 8th World Congress on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Brisbane, Australia, 1-6 August 2004.
04-4. P Maurel. Use of Hepatocytes for CYP450 Induction Studies. 1st Meeting of the North American Hepatocyte Research Association. Vancouver, Canada. August 28th 2004.
04-5. P Maurel. Cross-talk between PXR/CAR and VDR and the regulation of CYP genes. 7th International ISSX Meeting. Vancouver, Canada. August 29-Sept 2 2004.
04-6. P Maurel. Rôle de PXR et CAR dans le métabolisme et la toxicité des xénobiotiques. Congrés annuel de la Société Française de Pharmacologie. Strasbourg, France. 26-28 Avril 2004.
04-7. P Maurel. Primary human hepatocytes and their use in the studies of drug metabolism, side effects and toxicity. Short Course on : The use of primary hepatocytes in the study of effects of xenobiotics. Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest, Hungary. 10-11 May 2004.
04-8. P Maurel. Long-term hepatocyte cultures: differentiation and competence. Hepatocyte User Group Meeting. Valencia, Spain. 12-13 November 2004.
05-1. P Maurel. Hepatology in vitro: the present and the future. Institue of Medical Chemistry. Olomouc, Czech Republic. 15th February 2005.
05-2. P Maurel. Cross-talk between nuclear receptor and the regulation of CYP genes. Technologie Servier. Orléans, France. France 23 Février 2005.
05-3. P Maurel. General factors affecting drug metabolism: the role of nuclear receptor superfamily members and cross-talks. Merk Sharp & Dohme. London, England UK. 20th April 2005.
05-4. P Maurel. General factors affecting drug metabolism: the role of nuclear receptor superfamily members and cross-talks. Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Science. Krakow, Poland. 16th May 2005.
05-5. P Maurel. Detoxication pathways within a tangle of regulatory network. 14th International Conference on Cytochrome P450: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Bioinformatics. Dallas, TX., USA., 31st May-5th June 2005.
05-6. P Maurel. PXR and CAR gene regulation and cross-talk. European ISSX Meeting. Pharmaceutical Science Fair. Nice, France. 12-17 June 2005.
05-7. P Maurel. Differentiation of hepatocyte-like cells from human embryonic stem cells and adult liver progenitors. 5th Wordl Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Science. Berlin, Germany. 21-25 August 2005.
05-8. P Maurel. Les récepteurs du virus de l'hépatite C dans l'hépatocyte humain. Meeting Rhevir. La Grande-Motte, France. 23 Septembre 2005.
06-1. P Maurel. Cross-talk between nuclear receptors and regulation of drug metabolism. Medicon Valley-Hepatocyte User Group. Copenhagen, Denmark. 26-27 January 2006.
06-2. P Maurel. Cross-talk between nuclear receptors and regulation of drug metabolism. Société Française de Pharmacologie et Toxicologie Cellulaire. Paris, France. 9-10 Mars 2006.
06-3. P Maurel. Les récepteurs du virus de l'hépatite C dans l'hépatocyte humain. Laboratoires ROCHE. Neuilly sur Seine, France. 27 Mars 2006.
06-4. P Maurel. Cross-talk in the network of nuclear receptors. Experimental Biology 2006 Meeting. Symposium title: What regulates the regulators? Factors that alter expression of the nuclear receptors which regulate drug-metabolizing enzymes. Sponsored by the ASPET Division for Drug Metabolism (with co-sponsorship by the ASPET Division for Toxicology). San Francisco, CA., USA. 1-5 April 2006.
06-5. P Maurel. Nuclear Receptors and Drug Metabolism. European ISSX Meeting, Symposium on Nuclear Receptors. Manchester, England. 4-7 June 2006.
06-6. P Maurel. Regulation of Cytochrome P450 gene expression and activity. 15th IUPHAR World Congress of Pharmacology. Beijing, China. 2-7 July 2006.
06-7. P Maurel. Chairman of Symposium on Regulation of Gene Expression. 16th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidation (MDO 2006). Budapest, Hungary. 3-7 September 2006.
07-1. P Maurel. Régulation des CYPs et autres systèmes du métabolisme des xénobiotiques. Laboratoires Pierre Fabre, Castres, France. 12 Janvier 2007.
07-2. P Maurel. Hepatitis C virus receptor in the normal human hepatocyte. University of Torino, Medical School. Torino, Italy. February 28th 2007.
07-3. Patrick Maurel: Introduction: Transcription factors, nuclear receptors, and coreceptors involved in the control of drug metabolism. 15th International Conference on Cytochromes P450. Bled, Slovenia. 17-21 June 2007.
07-4. P. Maurel. Nuclear receptors involved in the control of drug metabolism: crosstalk and consequences. Symposium in Honor of Dr UA Meyer. Biozentrum, University of Basel. Basel, Switzerland. 22 June 2007.
07-5. P Maurel. Nuclear receptors involved in the control of drug metabolism: crosstak and consequences. 11th International Congress of Toxicology. Montreal, Canada. 15-19 July 2007.
07-6. P Maurel. Nuclear receptors: crosstalk and consequences. 8th International ISSX Meeting. Sendai, Japan. 9-12 October 2007.
08-1. P Maurel. Nuclear receptor: crosstalk and consequences, and hepatocyte-like cells from human adult and embryonic stem cells. University of Dundee Scotland, UK. 29 January 2008.
08-2. P Maurel. Recipient of the 2008 ISSX European Scientific Achievement Award. Primary Human Hepatocytes: molecular pharmacology, drug development and liver biotherapy. European ISSX Symposium. Wien, Austria. 18-21 May 2008.
08-3. P Maurel. In vitro differentiation of human adult and embryonic stem cells to hepatocyte-like cells. University of Brno. Brno, Czech Republic. 22 May 2008.
08-4. P Maurel. Nuclear receptors: crosstalk and consequences. Conference: From Biochemistry to Pharmacogenomics: a journey of a life-time. A tribute to honor Professor Maria Celeste Lechner. University of Lisbon, Faculty of Pharmacy. Lisbon, Portugal. 6 June 2008.
08-5. P Maurel. Generation of hepatocyte-like cells from human adult and embryonic stem cells. 17th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations. Saratoga Springs NY., USA. 6-10 July 2008.
08-6. P Maurel. Les régulations croisées dans les cellules: impact de traitements médicamenteux sur la physiopathologie hépatique (et autre). Séminaire, Divisions thérapeutiques Laboratoires Servier. Courbevoie, France. 19 Septembre 2008.
09-1. P Maurel. Human adult liver progenitors and embryonic stem cells: differentiation to hepatocyte-like cells. Inserm U785, Hopital Paul Brousse. Villejuif, France. 5 Février 2009
09-2. P Maurel. Cellules souches adultes et embryonnaires: différenciation en hépatocytes et perspectives en biothérapie des maladies du foie. Université de Monastir. Monastir, Tunisie. 4 Mars 2009.
09-3. P Maurel. Dynamic Culture in Multi Compartment Bioreactors Upregulates Drug Metabolism Enzyme Expression in Human Hepatocytes. MCB User Group. Pisa, Italy. 27 May 2009.
09-4. P Maurel. Cellules souches adultes et embryonnaires: Différenciation en hépatocytes. Perspectives en biothérapie des maladies du foie. Université Laval, Québec. Québec, Canada. 11 Mai 2009.
09-5. P Maurel. Chairman Plenary Session : Epigenetics and Micro RNAs. ISSX European Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal. May 17-20th, 2009
09-6. P Maurel. CYP gene regulation and induction in primary human hepatocytes. Nuclear Receptor Crosstalk and Consequences. H. Lundbeck A/S Laboratories. Valby, Denmark. 21st January 2009
09-7. P Maurel. Chairman Session : New Technologies: Hepatocytes from Stem Cells. Hepatocyte Users Symposium 2009 Joint meeting HUG & MV-HUF. Copenhagen, Denmark. January 23rd 2009.
09-8. P Maurel. Primary cultures of normal adult human hepatocytes as a model for in vitro infection by HCV. University of Pamplona. Pamplona, Spain. 23 Octobre 2009.
09-9. P Maurel. Hepatocytes et progéniteurs hépatiques humains: des cellules de choix dans l'étude du virus de l'hépatite C. Inserm Lyon. Lyon, France. 30 Octobre 2009.
09-10. P Maurel. Preparation of hepatocytes and progenitors from human liver lobectomies. Kirkstall Ltd Laboratories. Scientific Advisory Panel Meeting. Sheffield, England, UK. February 25th 2009.
10-1. P Maurel. Le foie : isolement d'hépatocytes. CHU de Montpellier. Montpellier France.
10-2. P Maurel. Chairman of Session : Gene Regulation of Drug Metabolizing Enzymes by Nuclear Receptors. 9th International ISSX Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey. 4-8 Sept 2008.
10-3. P Maurel. Chairman of Session : Stem cells as tools for studying xenobiotic metabolism. 18th Internation Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations. Beijing, China. 16-20 May 2010.
10-4. P Maurel. Human hepatocyte culture and applications for drug discovery. New Developments in Cell-Based In-Vitro Testing and Annual Quasi-Vivo User Group Meeting. Montpellier, France. 26-27 May 2010.
10-5. P Maurel. Chairman of Session on Hepatocyte from Stem Cell: where are we, where do we go? 2nd Joint Meeting of Hepatocyte User Group & Medicon Valley Hepatocyte User Forum. Montpellier, France. 22-23 Oct 2010.
10-6. P Maurel. Pharmaceutical Development of a Novel Oligonucleotide Delivery Forumulation. DIA/FDA/Health Canada/AAPS/OTS 3rd Annual Oligonucleotide-Based Therapeutics Conference”. Bethesda, MD., USA. March 23-25, 2010.
11-1. P Maurel. In vitro liver models. New Developments in Cell-Based In-Vitro Testing & 3rd Annual Quasi-Vivo User Group Meeting. Saarbrucken, Germany. 18th-20th May 2011.
11-2. P Maurel. Transcription factors and detoxication function. HepaRG Workshop 2011. Rennes, France. 22 Sept 2011.
13-1. P Maurel. Transmucosal delivery of peptides and siRNAs with a novel lipidic pharmaceutical formulation. 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems. Chicago/Northbrook, USA. April 08-10, 2013.
16-1. P Maurel. “Nanolithium” formulation NP03 : a disease modifying drug for Alzheimer and Huntington diseases. Erlwood, England. Sept 29th 2016.
Date de dernière mise à jour : 05/07/2021
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