CV Patrick Maurel
(march 2016)
- maried, 5 children (including one adopted)
- tel. (33) 04 67 59 66 04 (office); (33) 06 86 68 11 63 (mobile)
- email:
1964: Baccalaureat (Mathematics), Lycée Joffre, Montpellier
1969: Graduation in Physical Chemistry, University Montpellier 2,
1970: DEA Physical Chemistry, University Montpellier 2
1971: University Doctotal Thesis (Physical Chemistry), University Montpellier 2
1976: French State Doctoral Thesis (Molecular Biology), University Paris 7
1971-1972: NATO Grant, University College of Wales, Aberystwith, UK
1972-1974: Research Trainee at INSERM
1974-1985: Senior Researcher at INSERM
1979 : Visiting Scholar, Department of Biological Chemistry, Ann Arbor, MI USA (Prof MJ Coon)
1983-1984 : Fogarty International Center. Public Health Service Intl Research fellow, Department of Clinical Toxicology, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond VA, USA
1985-1997: Research Director at INSERM
1998-2011: First Class Research Director at INSERM
2004-2011: Head of INSERM U632 Hepatic Physiopathology
2010-2018 : Chief Scientist Officer at Medesis Pharma
- Member of the Editorial Board of several international journals including: Pharmacogenetics, The Biochemical Journal, Review in Toxicology, Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Member of International Expert Panel on Human CYP Induction (In Vitro Technologies, Baltimore MD, USA)
- Member of the European and of the North American Hepatocyte User Groups
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX, 1999-2003, and 2007-2011)
- Member of the INSERM Scientific Committee (INSERM CSS3, 1991-1994)
- Member of the INSERM Scientific Committee (INSERM CSS8, 2001-2002)
- Member of the ANRS Scientific Committee (ANRS CSS4, 1999-2003)
- Member of ANRS Scientific Council (2004-2011)
- Coordinator of the INSERM Research Funding on Hepatitis C virus (2002-2003)
- President and Chairman of the Organising Committee of the “12th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations” Le Corum-Montpellier 20-24 Juillet 1998 (740 participants)
- Membre of the Permanent Advisory Committee of the International Conference on Cytochrome P450 (1998-2011)
- Membre of the Permanent Advisory Committee of the International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations (1998-2011)
- Membre of the Permanent Advisory Committee for the European Hepatocyte User Group (HUG)
·1990 : Prix National de Pharmacovigilance (Paris France)
·2005 : Price of the Chemical Society of the Czech Republic (Prague, Czech Republic)
·2008 : European Scientific Achievement ISSX Society Award (Wien, Austria) (
- 30 thesis in Biological Sciences
- 2 thesis in Pharmacy
- 4 thesis in Medicine
BIBLIOGRAPHY (March 2015, PubMed)
- 215 publications in international reviews.
- Editor of “Hepatocyte : Methods and Protocols”, Humana Press, Springer Science, New York, NY, 2010.
- 144 conferences as invited speaker in national and international meetings/symposia/congress (1981-2014). Voir la liste ICI.
- with public organisms: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale Française, Association pour la Recherche contre le Cancer (ARC), Région Languedoc-Roussillon, Etablissement Français des Greffes (EFG), Association Nationale pour la Recherche sur le Sida et l’Hepatite C (ANRS), Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR), European Community (6th PCRDT, participation to two STREP Projects : Predictomics and Steroltalk), European Community (7th PCRDT, participation to IMI project MARCAR), Fondation pour l’Avenir, FUI, Inca.
- with Drug Industries: Sanofi-Aventis, Synthélabo-Recherche, Pierre Fabre Médicament, Laboratoires Houdé, Glaxo-France, Laboratoires Solymès, Laboratoires Roche, Laboratoires Fournier, Technologies Servier, Glaxo-UK, Lilly Corporate Center, USA, Sandoz Ltd.USA, Pfizer Central Research UK, Hoffman-La Roche Switzerland, Pharmacia Italy, Zambon Group Italy, Byk Guklden Germany, Daiichi Pure Chemical Japan, Merck USA and Italy, Genoscience, Rigel, Genodyssée.
- My first novel, “Les Voix des Autres” has been published in November 2011 at Editions L’Harmattan, Collection “Ecritures” (ISBN : 978-2-296-56663-7). This novel has been nominated at the First Novel Festival of Draveil (France), at the “Journée du Livre de Sablet (France)” and has received the first price of Literrature 2013 from the Lions Club (district Sud).
- My second novel, “Khonsou et le Papillon” at Editions L’Harmattan, Collection “Ecritures” has been published in 2015.
- Member of the Kiwanis International (Montpellier Club)
Date de dernière mise à jour : 05/07/2021
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